Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Colt's Coach Hates Homos

According to this excellent reporting from the Indianapolis Star, Superbowl winning coach Tony Dungy accepted an invitation to speak at an Indiana Family Institute (an affiliate of Focus on the Family) fundraiser. Not only did Dungy's appearce spur record ticket sales raising nearly $50,000, but Colts-donated footballs, helmets and other mementos signed by Dungy yielded an additional $20,000. Some highlights from the article:
"IFI is saying what the Lord says," Dungy said. "You can take that and make your decision on which way you want to be. I'm on the Lord's side."

The coach said his comments shouldn't be taken as gay bashing, but rather his views on the matter as he sees them from a perspective of faith.

"We're not anti- anything else. We're not trying to downgrade anyone else. But we're trying to promote the family -- family values the Lord's way," Dungy said.

Don't you love family values?

Image courtesy


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